Homemaker @ Wisteria Lane

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Happy Second Anniversary!

Wow, how time flies!  

Today is my blog second anniversary and which means I have been a blogger for two years already!  Woohooo!  A big change that I can see in my blogger life is I write regularly about anything :) So, I hope this will be a continuous journey, yeap!

So, 'Happy Buffday' bloggy and to all my friends and visitors, thanks so much for the support!
Beautiful roses for wonderful people!


  1. Happy 2nd blogging anniversary Vera!

  2. hapy 2nd blogging anniversary vera! baru sia notice lama sdh sia nda wish blogging anniversary sia. huhuh..

  3. Chegu Carol, ms d33 b33 and Just: Thanks for the wishes, bah Just buli start next year :)

  4. Happy 2nd blogging anniversary ya! :D
