Homemaker @ Wisteria Lane

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Wife's Cooking 2

So much of cooking activities for me this month; from dishes to cakes :)  Cooking and baking? Yeah, that's my life now.  Ok, pixies time! 

Note: There'll be lotsa foodie pixies

a)  Shui Jiao with chicken broth soup
I was browsing CathJ website and saw her wonton dumplings (yummy), so brought hubby to mini market at Bornion to buy the ingredients
Verdict:  It supposed to be wonton but the skin dumplings; thick and wide, so ended up cooking Shui Jiao.  I am not satisfied with the filling, I should use less corn flour next time

b) Nasi Briyani with side dishes; Deep Fry Spicy Chicken Wings and Vege
Nope, I didn't do the Briyani from the scratch (hehehe), I used Briyani Paste (I forgot the brand) at Sunny Supermarket
Verdict:  Next time, I will put raisins and bunga cengkih for more aroma!

c) Citrus Ice Cream
I modified Nigella's recipe actually and much more simplified.  Love the citrus smell and taste!
Verdict:  My fresh squeezed orange was sweet a bit and I forgot to taste it before mixing into the cream.  So, the ice cream a bit sweet and less sour.  The lime didn't work since I only put 3 pieces     

d) Chicken Lihing Soup
Love this and gonna cook again!

e) Sweet Egg Tarts
First time baking using oven.  I have difficulties when using the oven.  Bah, all this time I'm baking cake in steaming process
Verdict:  With 350gm of flour, I can bake 5 dozen of tarts.  But, the first 3 batches were over cooked and even not cooked.  Am not sure how these thing can happen because I followed the instructions on the book!  Again, I remember CathJ baking tart process and baked it accordingly.  Viola!  Alas! Thanks Cath :)

f) Nasi Tomat with side dish; Ayam Kurma
Yes, the tomatoes rice I cooked it from the scratch and the dish I used Adabi Kurma paste 

g) Orange Madeira Cake
It's just an ordinary cake with a taste of orange juice and zest! 
Verdict:  I love the cake texture! And the baking process is easy to follow and understand :)

I received calls from my families and friends ordering Fruit Cakes for Christmas.  Wow, it is 1 month and 4 days before the joyous celebration.  We will come out with special ads for this

Monday cheers peeps!


  1. Bikin lapar terus oh... Ba moi blh sdh sa cater dr u dis... Hehe

  2. ms d33 b33: hehehe, nanti I experiment new recipe and let u try :)

  3. Hello Vera ^^ BW here
    OMG the food looks great! how I wish I can cook as good as you, but I still have time to learn.. Have a blessed Sunday!
